Empowerment Ceremonies Throughout the World

The wave of blessings continues to spread as more Kadampa Centres have engaged in the Blessing Ceremonies of various Buddhas. Last week’s events include the Empowerments of Buddha Vajrasattva in KMC New Mexico in USA, Green Tara at KMC Metz in France and KMC Vienna in Austria and Buddha Vajrapani at Atisha KMC Darlington in UK.

Empowerments Happening Around the Globe

A wonderful opportunities for the practitioners around the globe arisen past weekend, where participants – those new and those with more experience received blessing Empowerments of Buddha Vajrapani at KMC Sidney Australia, Buddha Shakyamuni at KMC Fort Lauderdale in Florida, USA and Buddha Shakyamuni at Nagarjuna KMC Leicester in UK.

Guest Teachers in Austria and France

Kadampa Centers around the world actively organize a diverse range of events for the benefit of the public. When a guest teacher visits, it often marks a special occasion, and a unique event is crafted to share wisdom teachings and insights with attendees. See the last special events at KMC Austria and KMC Metz in France.

Collaboration Bringing Meditators Together In U.S.

Kadampas from the Florida State and Mid-Atlantic regions of the United States came together for weekend retreats led by an array teachers from multiple centers. This shared experience encouraged an atmosphere of camaraderie and mutual support, strengthening the connections between Kadampa Centers.

Shetland Isles reached by Kadam Dharma

In 2018 when Venerable Geshe Kelsang Gyatso established Kadampa Meditation Centre in Aberdeen there was a vision that the centre would serve as a hub for the whole of the North of Scotland.

Post festival retreat blessings in Spain

KMC Malaga, IKRC Menorca, KMC Barcelona and KMC Madrid have all hosted retreats following the Summer Festival. See the galleries to visit Spanish post-festival week.

Post Summer Festival blessings 2023

KMC Tharpaland, KMC Deauchen, Tara IKRC, and Madhyamaka KMC have all hosted retreats on the practices of Heruka and Vajrayogini following the International Kadampa Summer Festival 2023.

Practicing patience in Israel

Recently the sangha at the newly emerging Kadampa center in Israel gathered for their third out-of-town retreat in a peaceful rural location. Their Teacher Daniel Koren guided meditations on the practice of patience as presented by Shantideva based on Venerable Geshe Kelsang Gyatso Rinpoche’s book ‘Meaningful to Behold’.

January Retreat at the Mother Center

Special Close Retreat ~ collecting 100,000 Guru Sumati Buddha Heruka mantras in the Kadampa Temple at the Mother Centre of the NKT, Manjushri KMC

A magical approach to the Guru’s heart

Gen Lochani, resident teacher at Kadampa Meditation Centre Barcelona recently led a special retreat on the practice of Guru Sumati Buddha Heruka.