Northern Dharma Celebration in Spain

Over the weekend, more than 200 people from different parts of Spain gathered at KMC Barcelona for the Northern Dharma Celebration with the National Espiritual Director of Spain and Portugal, Gen Kelsang Choga.

Profound Teachings from Buddha’s Heart ~ Summer Festival 2024

In October 2013, Venerable Geshe Kelsang Gyatso Rinpoche gave his last public teachings in Portugal. During these teachings, Geshe-la granted the empowerment of Great Mother Prajnaparamita and taught the Essence of Wisdom Sutra (Heart Sutra), which contains the heart essence of Buddha’s perfection of wisdom teachings.

A wonderful new ending to the Summer Festival

Part of Venerable Geshe-la’s vision for the Summer Festival has always been that we end with the play The Life of Buddha. He requested that it always be shown to inspire modern day practitioners to follow in Buddha’s footsteps.

The power of volunteering at Kadampa Festivals

First time at a Festival? Volunteering is a great way to feel at home. During this year’s Spring Festival some people at their first International Festival talked about their experience of volunteering.

New for Summer Festival – live streaming

We’re excited to announce that this year, you can receive the Summer Festival teachings and empowerment sessions via livestream with simultaneous translation available in 6 languages!

Our Spring Festival by KMC Hong Kong

This year, a group of 54 students from KMC Hong Kong enthusiastically participated in the annual International Spring Festival given at Manjushri KMC. The Festival goers have generously shared their photos and personal experiences with us as a source of inspiration and joy.

Spring Festival Review

The conclusion of the 2024 Spring Festival offers us an opportunity to reflect on this truly inspiring event. Click on the links to view the complete Festival diary for each day.

Post-festival retreats around the world

Recently, several Centers around the world concluded their post-Spring Festival retreats. Join us as we view the highlights from these gatherings.