Kadampa Art Studio Training Course
Jan 11, 2025
Read about some other recent activities organized by Kadampa Centers around the world. KMC Phoenix | KMC Brazil | Tushita KMC | KMC Ottawa | KMC Cordoba
Read about some of the other activities taking place all over the world recently. KMC France | KMC Chicago | Vajrapani KBC | Dromtonpa KBC | KMC New Mexico
Read about some of the other activities taking place all over the world recently. KMC Durban | KMC Granada | KMC New York City | KMC Cologne | KMC Mallorca
Read about some of the other activities taking place all over the world recently.
Manjushri KMC | KMC Vancouver | Nagarjuna KMC | KMC Ottawa | KMC Phoenix | Compassion KBC | Amoghasiddhi KBC
Discover our latest addition to Kadampa.org the “My Living Meditation” Kadampa Blogs. This inspiring collection showcases real-life stories from Kadampa practitioners. Explore how Kadampa teachings and meditation has guided them through challenges like loss, anger, loneliness, and more, illuminating the path to peace and happiness. Enjoy these first seven compelling posts, each a window to the transformative power of Dharma.
In an upcoming weekend course Gen-la Dekyong will give the blessing empowerment of Wisdom Buddha Manjushri and reveal the priceless value of Venerable Geshe-la’s uncommon explanation of how to meditate.
Manjushri KMC, KMC Spain, KMC Mexico, IKRC Menorca , and Compassion KBC were among the centers concluding their January counting retreats with Vajradaka burning offerings. The Vajradaka Burning Offering is a potent method for purifying negative actions, that can done for ourself and on behalf of others, including the deceased.
The month of January is a special month in the Kadampa calendar during which we emphasise the practices of Heruka and Vajrayogini, the principal Highest Yoga Tantra Deities of modern Kadampa Buddhism. Today, the twenty fifth day of the month, is Heruka Day.
Explore recent worldwide activities from Fort Collins, Querétaro, Ottawa, Washington DC, France, and Colombia.
Yesterday, January 10, saw the launch of the 2024 brochure showing the International Kadampa Teaching Program of Festivals and Dharma Celebrations