Purification Retreat in Barcelona

KMC Barcelona recently completed a wonderful purification retreat with Gen Kelsang Rabten guiding sessions from the mother center, Manjushri KMC, and Gen Lochani guiding sessions from KMC Barcelona’s retreat center.

Light & Joy in the Holiday Season

In the first of our reports on activities over the holiday period we include courses with Gen-la Kunsang in Tharpaland Germany and Gen Tabkay in IKRC Grand Canyon, US.

Welcome to the Future

Kadampa centers around the world will be holding special events over the New Year and of course into the January retreat month. Among these, Heruka KMC in London has invited Gen-la Thubten to give a course over the New Year.

7 ~ The first wall of the Temple & much more!

The last few weeks witnessed much progress with the sixth Kadampa Temple for World Peace, from essential safety work, to rainwater drainage, to preparations for the ceiling, and the appearance of the first wall!

We Are Benefactors

In August 1997 Venerable Geshe Kelsang Gyatso Rinpoche opened the first Kadampa Temple for World Peace at Manjushri Centre in the UK. In this video we listen to the talk he gave at that time launching the International Temples Project and see the development of other Temples since then.

Special Offerings for the Holiday Season

Today, Christmas Eve, we share a beautiful video made by a Kadampa student and a gallery of inspiring photos taken by other Kadampas as an offering to Venerable Geshe Kelsang Gyatso Rinpoche. Happy holidays everyone!

January retreats around the world

For many Kadampa centers, January is a retreat month and retreats of various levels and duration are organised at centers around the world. Here is a small selection:

The Joyful Path of Compassion

Last weekend, hundreds of people throughout Asia enjoyed the 2020 Asian Festival entitled The Joyful Path of Compassion, with Gen-la Kunsang, retired Deputy Spiritual Director of NKT. Gen-la gave the blessing empowerment of Buddha Avalokiteshvara and teachings on How to Practise Compassion with Joy.

A beautiful and blessed place for Chile

KMC Chile has just completed a major remodelling of their premises in Santiago, creating a blessed and beautiful place for the whole of Chile

Special Puja in the Mother Temple

Last night, a community of Kadampa students gathered in the Mother Temple at Manjushri KMC for the first in-person puja since March. What a joyful and inspiring event it was!

NKT-KMC Brazil Festival 24AG_DSCF1236_Fall Festival 2024

Fall Festival 2024 ~ Day 1


Ordination Fall Festival 2024

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Working in harmony for the International Fall Festival

Geshe-la Praying in Portugal 2013 resize-web

Register for Prayers for World Peace