How to Handle Anything in Edinburgh

This time of year Edinburgh, the capital city of Scotland, literally sparkles as the world famous Christmas markets open and visitors flock to the city to browse the stalls, dine in the restaurants and enjoy the fairground attractions. But last night, in the midst of the festivities, a quiet and peaceful space appeared . . .

News & views ~November 27, 2019


Heart to heart

This weekend, Gen-la Dekyong, General Spiritual Director of NKT-IKBU, will give the transmission of a precious Kadampa text – one of the three condensed Lamrim texts that are the very heart of Modern Kadampa Buddhism.

Whats on in December

Through the great kindness of Venerable Geshe Kelsang Gyatso Rinpoche, modern Kadampa Buddhism is flourishing throughout the world. Here we list the major national and regional events for December.

I wouldn’t miss it for the world

For those fortunate enough to attend the course by Gen-la Dekyong at Manjushri KMC this coming weekend, Friday 29 – Dec 3, a special opportunity awaits them – the transmission blessing of one of the three core condensed Lamrim texts of our tradition.

Pure mind, pure world

437 people attended the 2019 Mexican Dharma Celebration in Mexico City with Gen Kelsang Sangden, the National Spiritual Director for Mexico.

This is the life!

At the Brasil Kadampa Festival, Gen-la Jampa explains what it means to have a precious human life and how we should regard it as if found only once.

The Blessings of Tara – Freedom from Fear

This weekend Midwesterners gathered from Wisconsin, Illinois, Indiana, Iowa, Ohio and beyond for the US Midwest Dharma Celebration 2019. Over 80 fortunate ones enjoyed the blessing empowerment of Green Tara with Gen Kelsang Demo, the US Midwest National Spiritual Director, at KMC Madison.

A special day for London

This weekend Kadam John McBretney, Resident Teacher at Heruka KMC in north London, granted the empowerment and commentary of the Great Mother Prajnaparamita. The event was a milestone for the development of Kadam Dharma in the capital city.

How a person teaching receives blessings

The last in a three-part series of extraordinary teachings given by Gen-la Kelsang Dekyong the General Spiritual Director of NKT-IKBU at the Fall Festival 2019. To listen to this teaching on how the lineage of understanding and experience is passed down in our tradition, we begin to realise how extremely fortunate we are!

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Working in harmony for the International Fall Festival

Geshe-la Praying in Portugal 2013 resize-web

Register for Prayers for World Peace

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Practical and Blessed Events in UK and Asia

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Events for the creation of a perceptible inner peace