Australian Festival 2025
Jan 10, 2025
In keeping with many other Tharpa Offices around the world, Tharpa Spain is moving its operation to be near a major Kadampa Temple for World Peace. The move to KMC Spain is presently underway while its previous home KMC Madrid, looks for a larger property.
A team of volunteers recently worked hard to prepare the Urban Temple in the city of Málaga to reopen after a long period of closure due to Covid. This is followed by a week of FREE classes and activities to welcome everyone back.
The season of post Summer Festival retreats continues. Here we report from two retreat centers – one in the mountains of Switzerland and the other in the mountains of Montserrat Spain.
This week, many centers are organising post Summer Festival Retreats. Here we feature photos from two of these: at Menorca International Retreat Centre with Gen Lochani, Resident Teacher at KMC Barcelona, and at KMC Deuachen in Portugal with Gen Rabjor, Resident Teacher at KMC Seville.
Artists, construction workers and landscapes are all working hard to bring the Temple to completion. Windows are installed, the cladding for the pillars in place, the exterior landscaping under way and the final touches being added to the lantern tower before it is liften into place at the top pf the Temple.
As the time quickly approaches when the external adornments will be placed on the Kadampa Temple for World Peace under construction in Málaga, Spain, we see the vajra base upon which will stand the crowning vajra being gold-leafed.
With finishing work on the exterior and interior preparing for the adornments, prepping the ribs of the lantern and the vajra base for gold leafing, filling a statue for the Temple shrine and much more, the project has made great progress since the last update.
On Sunday 27th June we joyfully celebrated the Summer Fayre in Madhyamaka KMC, in Pocklington (York) with the presence of thousands of people.
KMC Barcelona recently hosted the Northern Dharma Celebration 2021, with Guen Kelsang Chokga, the National Spiritual Director for Spain and Portugal streaming the empowerment and teachings from KMC Spain in Málaga.
Toulouse is the location of another urban Temple project, this time for KMC Vajravarahi in Toulouse. They are converting a large commercial space next to La Place St Georges. The new center is scheduled to open in November this year. Everyone is invited!