Latest Fall Festival update

Fall Festival 2019 registration goes live this Saturday, December 15 at 1pm UK time. Here is some useful information about transportation and Festival dining to help you with your booking.

An exceptionally rare & precious opportunity

In the second two weeks of January 2019, Manjushri KMC will offer a guided retreat on Vajrayogini entitled Emptiness and Bliss led by Gen-la Kelsang Dekyong, General Spiritual Director of NKT-IKBU.

When does a Festival end?

It doesn’t. During the time we are assembled we receive teachings and empowerments and try to take their meaning to heart in meditation. And in between sessions we learn in very practical ways how to apply the teachings in our interactions with others. But even when we have left the Festival site we continue to … Read more

Health, happiness and harmony

Today is the last day of the Festival and, as is customary, we concluded with a viewing of the video of The Life of Buddha. As Venerable Geshe-la says in his talk at the end, this is not an ordinary play but a correct direction we should take if we want to accomplish the real … Read more

Retreat – the icing on the cake

Today we enjoyed the first full day of retreat on the Yoga of Buddha Amitayus. It is such a privilege to be able to spend time with so many sincere meditators taking the teachings to heart and mixing our mind with their meaning. The retreat is led by Gen Kelsang Chogka, the NKT-IKBU National Spiritual … Read more

Discovering the real meaning of inner peace

‘Inspiring’, ‘Refreshing’, ‘Relaxing,’ ‘Profound’. We asked people what their experience of the Festival has been and these are just a few of the universally positive responses we received. The extraordinary empowerments, teachings and meditations have taken us to a place of profound inner peace. And the kindness, joy and inspiring company of everyone attending the … Read more


Events in Argentina and Chile after the Festival


Fearless Heart 〜 US Festival 2024

NKT-KMC Aberdeenshetland10

Dharma in the Highlands and Islands of Scotland


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