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Sep 13, 2024
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30 July 2024
In this morning's teaching we received a transmission of the Heart Sutra, being transported back not only ten years to Portugal in the presence of our Spiritual Guide, but in fact going back further to the time of Buddha when the original Sutra was delivered. Gen-la encouraged those who are new to the teachings to feel encouraged by thinking simply, "I have found a new life, a spiritual life, I am going to train to use my life in the most meaningful way to develop wisdom and compassion."
In this practical commentary to the Heart Sutra we received so many jewels, clarifying the meaning of Buddha's teachings and placing so many potentials on our consciousness. Now we can have great confidence to practice The Great Mother to avert daily obstacles and to turn all our everyday appearances into the spiritual path.
We are following the path of wisdom and compassion and Venerable Geshe-la often talked about how we are all interconnected in a web of kindness from which it is impossible to separate ourself. We see this so clearly at Festival time, with the interdependence of everyone attending and joining in, enabling the Festival to function.
Volunteering is a wonderful way to meet people. It can be a lot of fun as we get to cherish others, create amazing karma and feel part of something bigger than ourselves. Volunteering gives everyone the opportunity to join in! Sometimes we talk about Kadampas emphasizing three things: studying Dharma, meditating on Dharma and working for Dharma. How wonderful that we can do all three on our spiritual holiday, discovering the joy and spiritual energy that comes from combining these three into each day.
"The example of people from all walks of life, who are sincerely putting the teachings into practise is so inspiring. It gives confidence that, through wisdom, we're developing real peace in our hearts, and through this inner development real peace is possible in this world."
"It is alway a great joy for me to make tsog offerings because people like beautiful visual forms, tastes and colors. It's a very blessed activity to offer foods for all the Buddhas and all living beings."
"I am involved in a play for kids with other Kadampa famillies and I also welcome people in the temple. All of this is not ordinary and it's very special for me this year to be part of these activities. That makes me really feel that I am definitely part of a big family and I like that!"
The purpose of practicing spiritual teachings is to improve our mind. What does it mean to improve our mind? It means to improve our compassion and wisdom.