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19 September 2022

For auspiciousness

Request to the holy spiritual guide from his faithful disciples

a special two-day retreat

At Venerable Geshe-la's request, for auspiciousness at this time, Kadampa centers around the world will engage in a short retreat using his special prayer, Request to the Holy Spiritual Guide Venerable Geshe Kelsang Gyatso Rinpoche from his Faithful Disciples. Here is the program for the retreat at Manjushri KMC.

Tuesday 20 September
9 - 10:30am Session 1
11:30am - 1pm Session 2
4:30 - 6pm Session 3
7:30 - 9pm  Session 4

Wednesday 21 September
9 - 10:30am Session 1
11:30am - 1pm Session 2
4:30 - 6pm Session 3
7:30 - 9pm  Session 4

For those taking part online:
The retreat will be available live-streamed at the link below: https://manjushri.org/stream/for-auspiciousness

Prayers for Retreat Sessions:
Guru Founder
Liberating Prayer
The Hundreds of Deities of the Joyful Land According to Highest Yoga Tantra prayers up to the end of Migtsema request prayer (x7)
Request to the Holy Spiritual Guide Venerable Geshe Kelsang Gyatso from his Faithful Disciples prayers
Recite Venerable Geshe-la's name mantra (35mins)
Finish the remaining practices of HDJL from Request to the Lord of All Lineages up to the final Dedication and Prayer for the Virtuous Tradition
Second, third and fourth session - the same with 35mins for reciting Ven Geshe-la's name mantra. The nine-line Migstema prayer would be at the end of the fourth session only each day.

New Statues Appear

ITTP work day

Resident Teachers preparing for the Festival


Preparations are underway, the Festival is very close

KMC Girona-13

New Kadampa Centres for Spain in Girona and Murcia