Kadampa Art Studio Training Course
Jan 11, 2025
Recently, Gen-la Kelsang Kunsang visited Oslo and gave a Public Talk entitled The Art of Meditation and a Day Course, How to be Kind to Yourself at KMC Oslo.
"We all enjoyed a wonderful weekend in which 77 people participated in-person and online."
"Pure Dharma taught by a pure Kadampa, how fortunate we are to receive these practical teachings of modern Kadampa Buddhism."
Gen Kelsang Dragpa
"Powerful, clear and liberating teachings. Thank you Genla."
From Swedish participants
"Gen-la explained that if we really want to be kind to ourself we should engage in actions that lead us to liberation and enlightenment."
Gen Kelsang Jangdom
"Very clear and helpful. I enjoyed it a lot in my covid-quarantine."
Kelsang Jema
"One perspective that stuck with me is when she explained how we are NOT being kind to ourself if we allow delusions to control our mind."
Kadam Tim Larcombe
"Gen-la Kunsang taught us this weekend about wisdom, karma, a good heart and how to make yourself happy! What could be more meaningful than this? "
Nathalie, Skælskør, Denmark
"What I enjoyed the most in Gen-la's teachings was the simple and clear way of presenting important and deep topics such as karma, love and compassion towards ourself and others."
EmiLiano, Copenhagen - Denmark
"Gen-la Kunsang engages with the audience so well. The way she teaches is clear, sharp, kind and humorous. So lovely.
Kelsang Lekmo
The 2022 Nordic Dharma Festival will be held online March 11-13, hosted by KMC Stockholm. Gen-la Kelsang Jampa , Deputy Spiritual Director fo NKT, will grant the empowerment of the Great Mother Prajnaparamita and give teachings on how to overcome obstacles.