Auspicious beginnings to the year
Jan 18, 2025
On September 17 KMC Madrid completed the purchase of a unique hotel in the mountains of “Sierra del Guadarrama”, the most popular natural site in Madrid. See the extraordinary features of this new location
During the summer break at KMC France, two members of the community took to the road for an energetic but meaningful cycling vacation. Covering almost 1100km, they visited all the Kadampa centers in southern France and finished by helping a new, elderly resident move to KMC France. Here they share some wonderful photos of their trip.
UK Dharma Celebration takes place next weekend. Kadam Bridget Heyes, National Spiritual Director of NKT-IKBU for UK and Ireland will grant the empowerment of Buddha White Tara and give teachings from Venerable Geshe Kelsang Gyatso Rinpoche’s book, The Mirror of Dharma.
Tharpaland KMC, just outside Berlin in Germany, recently held an open house for members of the public to enjoy guided tours the magnificent center, try some meditation in the beautiful meditation room, enjoy refreshments in the newly refurbished cafe and experience the tranquillity of the place with walks in the grounds and surrounding woodland.
This weekend was a special time for Kadampas in California, who enjoyed the California Dharma Celebration, which was held both in-person and online. For those who attended n person at KMC Los Angeles, it was a wonderful opportunity for California Kadampas to come together and catch up after a long break from in-person gatherings.
While waiting for the work on the new building for KMC Leeds to be completed, the Resident Teacher, Gen Kelsang Rabten, is visiting various centers in the UK. This weekend he was at KMC Birmingham, where he gave a day course entitled The Power to Change.
The International Festivals are the life blood of the New Kadampa Tradition and the special method for maintaining the International Kadampa Buddhist Union for future generations. With the 2021 International Fall Festival fast approaching we look at whats on at that Festival and upcoming Festivals in 2022. You can visit all three Festival pages from this post.
This weekend sees two more special events taking place – the North east US and Irish Dharma Celebrations, with more regional communities gathering to receive empowerments and teachings from their National Spiritual Director
The annual Festival of Switzerland, Italy and Austria took place last weekend. Gen-la Kelsang Khyenrab, retired General Spiritual Director of NKT and National Spiritual Director of Canada granted the empowerment of Vajrapani and taught on Awakening our Inner Power.
This last weekend the Southwest Dharma Celebration was held at the International Kadampa Retreat Center Grand Canyon. Gen Kelsang Rigpa, Western US National Spiritual Director and the Resident Teacher at KMC Los Angeles, granted the blessing empowerment of Buddha Maitreya, the enlightened manifestation of pure love, and gave teachings on ‘Love and Life’s Purpose.’