Festival Diaries ~ Extra

Here are a few more submissions that came too late for the Diaries - beautiful stories from beautiful people around the world

See the full Festival Diaries at: kadampa.org/2021/06/spring-festival-in-retrospect

And all the videos on the video wall at: kadampa.org/2021/06/spring-2021-video-wall

Ginger, israel


The kindness of Buddha Shakyamuni is inconceivable. I was so moved by the story of one of Buddha's Shakyamuni previous incarnations, and how he promised to always help us, the beings of the Unforgetting World.

Thinking about how he is appearing right here right now in front of each of us, to fulfill his wish. And that every day he is blessings our minds and giving us his teachings to follow the unmistaken path, which will bring us ultimate happiness. When I think about this, I feel so protected and confident to follow living Buddha Shakyamuni, without wavering. Thank you for all the blessings.

kelsang wangpo, usa


Although we have now had several Festivals online due to the global pandemic, this Festival has seemed very special. Just talk to anyone who had the chance to listen to Gen-la Khyenrab's clear and profound commentary to Request to the Lord of All Lineages. Through the teachings the very power of Kadam Dharma, as presented by Venerable Geshe-la, is on display. You can fully understand that our Spiritual Guide is truly giving us everything to make our lives meaningful. We are indeed fortunate modern Kadampa disciples.

Kelsang Gyalmo, México


"What an amazing Festival! Thank you from the depths of our hearts precious Venerable Geshe-la. May your powerful blessings touch the heart of every sentient being and may we all could correspond to your great kindness.

We are so happy enjoying with all the Kadampa family, your precious teachings, your precious teachers and your profound blessings of compassion and wisdom."

susana, argentina

WhatsApp Image 2021-06-03 at 22.01.37

Muy emocionada y agradecida a los Bodhisatvas de la preciosa Sangha internacional, que con alegrìa y trabajo constante como un rìo que fluye, benefician a Todos, evidenciando la interconexiòn, y mostrando con su ejemplo, que la Paz es posible!

Viana, Colombia

Viana Colombia

This is my enormous feeling of joy and cake face (as we express it in Colombia) after receiving the precious teachings of Venerable Kelsang Gyatso Rinpoche, Gen-la Khyenrab and Gen Sangden.

Again, many thanks to all the teachers and all the team that have made this amazing festival possible. Now getting ready for this awesome opportunity ... the icing on the cake ... the beautiful retreat with Gen Rabten. What a huge fortune! May the Budhadharma flourish everywhere and touch the hearts of our kind mothers, the living beings!

camila, brasil

WhatsApp Image 2021-06-03 at 22.04.41

We've been receiving a lot of inspiration in the last Festivals to memorise the precious Request to the Lord of all Lineages prayer. I confess I was not very confident with my memorisation skills. I mean, I could sing any random meaningless 90´s hit song… But it was not the same with the condensed meaning of our precious books! Thanks to my teacher's encouragement and some memorisation sessions in our Dharma community, I started to memorise the Request to the Lord of all Lineages prayer. It was very helpful to do it in a group. And it was fun too! Also, I started to apply effort every day, adding one extra paragraph after memorising the previous one. Now I feel I can close my eyes and have these precise words to arise from my heart and merge with the small experiences and insights that are growing day by day. I'd like to encourage everyone to try it! Recite it while driving, watering the plants, waiting for a cake to bake in the oven. Results will come, Venerable Geshe-la promised ;)

New year. 2025

Entering the New Year with Buddha’s Blessings – Part 2

NKT - MANJUSHRI KMC - 2025 2025-01 New year (KM)-30

Entering the New Year with Buddha’s Blessings


Purifying with Buddha Vajrasattva ~ A Perfect Way to End the Year


Year-End Course At KMC New York: Concluding The Year With Loving Kindness