Entering the New Year with Buddha’s Blessings – Part 2
Jan 7, 2025
A record 320 people gathered at KMC France this weekend for the French Dharma Celebration with Guèn Kelsang Eupamé, National Spiritual Director for France.
Guèn Eupamé granted the blessing empowerment of Medicine Buddha, whose function is to deliver living beings by bestowing blessings that heal the inner causes of disease.
Guèn Eupamé explained that the main cause of all our suffering and disease is in our mind. That's why we need the Buddha doctor. The true medicine is Buddha's teachings.
What they said:
"During the empowerment everyone felt the presence of Medicine Buddha - all his love and compassion arising in response to our deepest wish to quickly stop suffering for ourselves, our loved ones and all living beings."
And the meditations guided by Guèn Kelsang Shri, Resident Teacher at Centre Bouddhiste Kadampa Tchakrasambara Nice were very moving - preparing us perfectly to receive the empowerment and teachings from Guèn Eupamé.
"It was a precious time to meet with people from all over France, and have a glimpse of Venerable Geshe-la's vision unfolding as the Dharma is presented clearly to the modern world in a way that is immediately practical and beneficial."
"We witnessed a very beautiful transmission of blessings where everyone could feel the presence of Medicine Buddha."