Kadampa Art Studio Training Course
Jan 11, 2025
With the Fall Festival clear up completed, IKRC Grand Canyon is now receiving applications for new residents as it implements is new program of courses and retreats, including the six-week Mountain Retreat Jan 3 - Feb 13.
The restoration of the shrine at KMC Canada is now complete, thanks to the help of many skilled volunteers - and Gen-la Khyenrab. Additions to the shrine include two sets of the collected works of Venerable Geshe Kelsang Gyatso Rinpoche and two stupas specially made at the Kadampa Art Studio in the UK.
KMC Edinburgh are celebrating the first anniversary of the opening of the new center by Gen-la Kelsang Dekyong the General Spiritual Director of NKT-IKBU. Their dedication, "May every city in the world have the same great good fortune as Edinburgh does!"
In the midst of their 25 years anniversary celebrations, KMC New York City held a weekend attended by over 200 people at which Kadam Morten granted the empowerment of Wisdom Buddha Manjushri. As they say, "Now for the next 25 years!"
Nordisk Kadampa Meditasjonssenter in Oslo recently hosted the Nordic Dharma Celebration at which Gen Kelsang Dragpa, National Spiritual Director of the Nordic Region granted the empowerment of Buddha Vajrapani, commentary to the practice and teachings on guarding the mind. People came from Denmark, Finland, Norway and Sweden.
This year's Irish Dharma Celebration was hosted just outside Belfast by Potala KBC. Kadam Bridget Heyes, National Spiritual Director for UK and Ireland granted Tara empowerment and teachings on the Inner Freedom of Letting Go.
KMC Glasgow just held a Medicine Buddha empowerment with Gen Tubchen, which was attended by over 100 people. This weekend, Gen Tubchen is at Manjushri KMC leading a weekend meditation retreat on Increasing Self Confidence.
Spiritual holiday in the Swiss mountains - Gen-la Jampa will be at Kailash IRC for the Swiss/Italian/Austrian Festival
In the heart of Vienna, volunteers from KMC Austria are working hard to convert an old hair salon into their city Temple
Hawa watched her mother record a video announcement for the center in Barcelona, and then recorded her own video about happiness!