Kadampa Art Studio Training Course
Jan 11, 2025
Last night Gen Rabten, Resident Teacher at KMC Brisbane in Australia, was in the English midlands giving a public talk for Tara KMC - part of a long and meaningful journey he is making across the globe.
He left Australia a week ago to travel to the UK. On his way, in his capacity as National Spiritual Director for Australasia and South East Asia, he made a brief visit to KMC Singapore, where he gave an inspiring day course.
Now in the UK, his journey will terminate at Manjushri KMC in the English Lake District, where he will spend the next three weeks studying on the Intensive Teacher Training Program (ITTP) as part of his ongoing professional training, and then attend the 2019 Summer Festival.
Gen Rabten will give the introductory talk for the Summer Festival, which everyone is looking forward to. Always informative, inspiring and amusing!