Series 1

Following Wisdom

October 5, 2020
Gen-la Dekyong
Gen-la Dekyong
Following Wisdom

How wisdom leads to world peace

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Contemplating Wishing Love

October 4, 2020
Gen-la Khyenrab
Gen-la Khyenrab
Contemplating Wishing Love

Applying this to our friends and family

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Contemplating True Causes of Suffering

October 2, 2020
Gen-la Khyenrab
Gen-la Khyenrab
Contemplating True Causes of Suffering

How to use this teaching to develop affectionate love

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Respecting Buddhas & Living Beings Equally

October 1, 2020
Gen-la Dekyong
Gen-la Dekyong
Respecting Buddhas & Living Beings Equally

Following the example of Buddha Shakyamuni

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The Story of Asanga

September 30, 2020
Gen-la Khyenrab
Gen-la Khyenrab
The Story of Asanga

Inspiration for our own spiritual path

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What is Wisdom Humility?

September 29, 2020
Gen-la Dekyong
Gen-la Dekyong
What is Wisdom Humility?

A special approach to humility

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Is My Dog a Buddha?.

September 28, 2020
Gen-la Dekyong
Gen-la Dekyong
Is My Dog a Buddha?.

Viewing all living beings as emanations

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Proving that All Living Beings are Our Mothers

September 26, 2020
Gen-la Khyenrab
Gen-la Khyenrab
Proving that All Living Beings are Our Mothers

Understanding the nature of our mind

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Recognising All Living Beings as Our Mothers

September 24, 2020
Gen-la Khyenrab
Gen-la Khyenrab
Recognising All Living Beings as Our Mothers

Developing affectionate love

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What is pure love?

September 22, 2020
Gen-la Khyenrab
Gen-la Khyenrab
What is pure love?

Understanding the three types of love

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