Advice from Gen-la Kelsang Khyenrab

Gen-la Kelsang Khyenrab is a retired Spiritual Director of NKT-IKBU and National Spiritual Director of Canada who is presently at Manjushri KMC training meditation Teachers.

Meditation is Essential for Human Happiness

Meditation is Essential for Human Happiness Last night Gen-la Dekyong, Spiritual Director of NKT, inaugurated the program of online classes at Manjushri KMC with a powerful teaching on the benefits of meditation. Please enjoy this brief exerpt

A Timeless teaching for today

Gen-la Dekyong, Spiritual Director of NKT, gives a timeless teaching on how we can deal with adverse circumstances when they arise – and transform them into the path to enlightenment.

Transforming Adverse Conditions

These are challenging times for many people, but they are also an opportunity to transform adverse conditions into the spiritual path. How have the Kadampa centres around the world dealt with the need to close the physical centers?

3 events, 3 cities, 1 weekend

“On the eve of our first Dharma Celebration, last weekend we had simultaneous classes in the three main cities of our country: Cali, Medellin and Bogotá.”

We are not Islands

This year because of restrictions on travel and gathering due to the coronavirus outbreak, the 2020 Nordic Festival with Gen-la Kelsang Thubten was streamed online. Here is an excerpt from the first teaching.

Dharma flourishing in Chile

KMC Chile is undergoing a major expansion as it begins remodelling the adjacent building that until now has remained undeveloped. See the video with the Resident Teacher Gen Kelsang Chokyong to see what this expansion will mean for Santiago in particular and Chile as a whole.

London Featured Centres

Venerable Geshe Kelsang Gyatso Rinpoche tells the story that when he was invited to become Resident Teacher at Manjushri Centre in the UK in 1977 he remembers flying over London and thinking, ‘There are more people in this single city than there are in the whole of Tibet!’ From that moment Venerable Geshe-la held in his mind the intention to bring holy Kadam Dharma to the people of London. See the amazing story of this center on the this month’s featured center page.


Ordination Fall Festival 2024

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Working in harmony for the International Fall Festival

Geshe-la Praying in Portugal 2013 resize-web

Register for Prayers for World Peace

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Practical and Blessed Events in UK and Asia