Great auspiciousness in Montserrat

An auspicious development at KMC Barcelona’s retreat center in Montserrat as members of the community install the Dharma Wheel, deer and eight auspicious symbols on the exterior walls. These exquisite adornments were made at the Kadampa Art Studio in the UK.

Post Fall Festival retreats 2020

This Fall Festival is a precious opportunity to receive teachings and empowerments from Gen-la Dekyong. Find out about the Post Festival Retreats you can also take part in.

The Bodhisattva’s way of life at KMC New York

People attended in person and online for the powerful Bodhisattva Vow weekend in the magnificent Temple for World Peace at KMC New York with Gen Samten. What a beautiful sight KMC New York makes this time of year as the leaves begin to turn and we enter the foliage season.

le benedizioni della grande madre in italia

This year our Italian Dharma celebration was for the first time online transmitted from KMC Edinburgh and KMC Rome, as well as coinciding with our move from our current location to a commercial space for the Centre.

Celebrating Dharma in South Africa

The 2020 South African Dharma Celebration Online will be taught by Gen-la Kelsang Kunsang. Gen-la is a retired Deputy Spiritual Direcot of NKT and now Resident Teacher at Kadampa Meditation Centre Edinburgh and National Spiritual Director of Italy, Austria and Switzerland.

Three Countries, three Festivals, One Teacher

Gen-la Kelsang Dekyong will record the empowerments and teachings from the Temple for World Peace at Manjushri KMC, which will then be broadcast in Brasil, Argentina and Chile. Each of the three countries is organising its own Festival with meditations led by their National Spiritual Director.

KMC Austria opens its doors to a new building

Last weekend the time had finally come: Kadampa Meditation Centre Austria opened its new Commercial Space in the heart of Vienna after two years of renovation work. The Austrian capital
now has one of the most beautiful and modern meditation centres in the world.

A new era for KMC Hong Kong

At KMC Hong Kong we are delighted to announce that renovation of the new premises is going well and we plan to move there on November 7, International Temples Day.

Spain enjoys the power of love

During the 2020 Spanish Festival online we enjoyed the great fortune of receiving the powerful blessings of Buddha Maitreya and a commentary on the practice from Gen-la Kelsang Khyenrab, retired Spiritual Director of NKT and National Spiritual Director for Canada.

Benefiting centers benefits all living beings

We received these photos and stories from the Kadampa Temple for World Peace in Brasil. People who have recently visited to do retreat or to help with the voluntary work share their experiences of being at this special place. Read their heartfelt feedback and be inspired.

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Fall Festival 2024 ~ Day 1


Ordination Fall Festival 2024

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Working in harmony for the International Fall Festival

Geshe-la Praying in Portugal 2013 resize-web

Register for Prayers for World Peace