Spring and Summer Festival websites are now LIVE!

The Spring and Summer Festivals are held each year at Manjushri Kadampa Meditation Centre, the mother centre of the NKT-IKBU.   This year in Spring, Gen-la Thubten will grant the blessing empowerment of Prajnaparamita and give teachings on the Heart Sutra.  In Summer week 1, Gen-la Jampa will give Lamrim teachings as a preparation for receiving the Highest Yoga Tantra empowerments of Heruka Body Mandala and Vajrayogini in week 2 with Gen-la Dekyong. Read more…

Kadampa Buddhism Worldwide 2018

The new brochure of the International Teaching Programme of Festivals & Dharma Celebrations is now printed and being shipped around the world. View it online here.

Fall Festival 2017 ~ Tharpaland IRC ~ Newsletter 1

In a little under 6 weeks Tharpaland International Retreat Centre will host, for the first time, the International Kadampa Fall Festival. New accommodation available now! Save the date for this meaningful holiday!

Fall Festival 2017 ~ booking now open

Blessing empowerment of Buddha Avalokiteshvara and teachings on Universal Compassion October 6 – 12 At this festival, Gen-la Dekyong will explain the essential practices of training the mind (Lojong) based on Venerable Geshe Kelsang Gyatso Rinpoche’s book Universal Compassion. The practices of training the mind are exceptionally powerful methods for overcoming our delusions, especially our … Read more

2017 NKT-IKBU International Fall Festival website is LIVE!

This year, for the first time, the Fall Festival will be held at Tharpaland International Retreat Centre. Very close to Berlin, Tharpaland IRC is easily accessible from the city’s airports and other transport hubs.

Happy NKT Day 2017

The first Saturday in April is set aside to commemorate the founding of NKT–IKBU by Venerable Geshe Kelsang in 1991. The occasion is marked by special events and by pujas and dedications at Kadampa centers worldwide. Prayers are made for the flourishing of Kadam Dharma throughout the world so that all living beings might quickly find permanent … Read more

Summer Festival website is Live!

Visit website for full information about the Teachings, Teachers, on-site accommodation, off-site hotels and shuttles, airport transfers, and more…

Spring Festival: Save the Date! and Whats New?

At the 2009 Spring Festival, Venerable Geshe Kelsang Gyatso Rinpoche granted the blessing empowerment of Buddha Maitreya for the first time. This year will be only the second time this empowerment has been given at an International Festival. An opportunity not to be missed!
Read more in the latest newsletter.


Events in Argentina and Chile after the Festival


Fearless Heart 〜 US Festival 2024

NKT-KMC Aberdeenshetland10

Dharma in the Highlands and Islands of Scotland


Editors’ Picks – Jul & Aug 2024