January at Manjushri KMC
Jan 15, 2025
Over the May Bank Holiday weekend, Gen-la Kunsang, the Resident Teacher and retired Deputy Spiritual Director of NKT-IKBU, granted the blessing empowerment of Vajrasattva to a fortunate group of practitioners at Madhyamaka KMC.
The Festival organisers have secured places for more cars to park on-site, making it even easier for people attending the Spring Festival. Find out more
The 2022 Fall Festival previously planned for November in Brisbane Australia has been postponed.The 2022 Fall Festival will now take place October 14-20 at KMC New York:, USA.
In a few days ( May 13-17) for the first time in three years people from throughout Canada will be able to gather in-person to enjoy their National Festival with their National Spiritual Director Gen-la Kelsang Khyenrab. This is such a special event for Canadian Sangha not to be missed.
Last weekend the Kadampa centers in the south of England enjoyed the Southern Dharma Celebration with Kadam Bridget Heyes, the National Spiritual Director of UK and Ireland.
Recent news of the easing of travel restrictions for people visiting Spain has come at a welcome time for people wishing to attend the Spring Festival – especially for those who are unvaccinated.
After visiting in Australia for the Australian Dharma Celebration, Gen Kelsang Rabten, the National Spiritual Director for South-East Asia, Australia & New Zealand visited Singapore to preside over the Southeast Asia Dharma Celebration.
Since April 1, there are three possibilities for visitors to enter Spain:
– COVD vaccination certificate
– Certificate of recovery from COVID
– Negative PCR result
Nearly 200 fortunate Kadampas gathered for this year’s Northeast Dharma Celebration hosted at KMC New York.
Through his extraordinary collection of books Venerable Geshe Kelsang Gyatso Rinpoche touches the hearts of thousands of people around the world, helping everyone find a new and meaningful direction to their lives.