Kadampa International Retreat Centres – Places of Deep Insight
Jan 17, 2025
This weekend KMC Los Angeles hosted the California Dharma Celebration – a special time for Kadampas in California.
Gen Kelsang Rigpa, Western US National Spiritual Director and Resident Teacher at KMC Los Angeles, granted the blessing empowerment of Buddha White Tara and gave teachings from the practical text on Buddhist psychology and meditation, The New Eight Steps to Happiness by Venerable Geshe Kelsang Gyatso Rinpoche.
The three International Festivals are precious opportunities to receive teachings and empowerments from the Gen-las, and this experience is greatly enhanced if we can spend some time after the Festival in retreat improving our understanding of the teachings and taking their meaning to heart.
Two wonderful National festivals in Iberian peninsula
Spain: April 5 – 9 & Portugal: April 21 – 25
The magic continued in South Africa this weekend. Following the unforgettable opening ceremony of the new urban temple at Kadampa Meditation Center Durban eager Kadampas from around the country gathered there for the South African National Festival.
The 2023 International Spring Festival is fast approaching. You will be able to book for the Festival from 13.00 UK time on Thursday March 2.
Developing Loving Kindness through Wisdom – The Blessing Empowerment of Buddha Maitreya with Gen-la Thubten, 17-19 March 2023.
Spring Festival site is now live: online booking opens March 2 at 13.00 UK time. At this Festival, Gen-la Dekyong will give a special commentary to the Liberating Prayer and preside over an International Refuge Vow Ceremony.
Kadam Dharma was introduced into the Nordic Region in the 90’s.
Since then Dharma centers have developed in Norway, Sweden, Denmark and Finland.
The South African national festival with Gen-la Kunsang, March 3 – 5.
Fast approaching South African National Festival will be held in Mahasiddha KMC Durban.
This past weekend over 100 fortunate Kadampas met up in-person in Singapore for the 2022 Asian Festival, with an additional 100 joining the event online.