Bonus Bulletin – Oct 24

Read about some of the other wonderful activities taking place recently in

Revisiting the Fall Festival videos

Take a few minutes to enjoy the Fall Festival video collection. Revisit KMC Spain, the beautiful Kadampa Temple and the happiness that comes at a Festival where everyone is focussing on holy Dharma.

The visit to NKT’s new property in Granada

At the end of the NKT International Fall Festival, some of the Festival goers took the opportunity to visit a beautiful building that has been bought by NKT in Granada.

Who is our Medicine Guru?

The Fall Festival 2023 is now complete and we take this opportunity to share a video excerpt of a teaching by Venerable Geshe Kelsang Gyatso given in New York 2006.

Incredible Transformation at KMC Spain

In the year since Spring Festival 2022 was held at KMC Spain the community have been continuing work to improve the environment around the Temple.

Wonderful Events in Mexico

Both KMC Cuernavaca and KBC Queretaro had the pleasure of hosting wonderful guests who shared inspiring teachings with the local community. Over 300 participants enjoyed the courses organized by these centers.

A Weekend with Buddha Shakyamuni in Toulouse

Over the weekend at Kadampa Meditation Centre Vajravarahi in Toulouse, we experienced the empowering blessings of Buddha Shakyamuni alongside the Toulouse Sangha and welcomed many new faces. Almost 50 people participated in this special gathering.

Patience and Emptiness in Argentina

Hosted by KMC Buenos Aires and KMC Córdoba, two weekend courses on patience and dependent relationships were held in Argentina in September. The rural retreat in Cordoba, led by the National Spiritual Director Gen Kelsang Rinchung, and the City Centre weekend course in Buenos Aires with Gen Kelsang Atisha were both well-attended and greatly appreciated by participants.

Opening the Doors – Everybody Welcome!

Open days at Dharma centres are opportunities for more people to discover their local Centers. Recently KMC Wales and KMC Montreal held popular open days, enjoyed by visitors and Dharma centre students alike.