Spotlight on Reels for the New Year
Jan 8, 2025
At Manjushri KMC, the mother center of NKT-IKBU, preparations are well underway for the 2021 International Spring Festival, which will be broadcast online. Last night, during her General Program class in the Temple, Gen-la Kelsang Dekyong, General Spiritual Director, shared her thoughts on the day’s events and encouraged us all to take part.
Tharpa Publications have produced a brand new booklet on the occasion of the Spring Festival with the text Gen-la Khyenrab will teach and which will be recited in meditation and retreat sessions. The booklet will be available soon on the Tharpa International website and the Festival Shop.
Due to the unusual situation, we have received permission to stream the entire Festival including the Highest Yoga Tantra empowerments of Heruka and Vajrayogini.
Week 1, The Heart Practice with Gen-la Dekyong.
Week 2, Awakening our Buddha Nature with Gen-la Jampa
Due to the ongoing uncertainty surrounding international travel in general, and in particular the uncertainty of when Australia’s borders will open to international visitors in sufficient numbers, it has been decided to once again postpone the NKT International Fall Festival in Brisbane for another year.
The 2021 online Spring Festival is fast approaching and online booking opens Tuesday March 30 at 1pm UK time.
We asked Gen-la Khyenrab to talk about the benefits of following the International Kadampa Festivals. He took us back to the very first Festival taught by Venerable Geshe Kelsang Gyatso Rinpoche and shared the advice Venerable Geshe-la gave at that time.
SPRING FESTIVAL 2021 WILL BE ONLINE MAY 28 – JUN 2 – Buddha Shakyamuni empowerment & teachings on the Request to the Lord of all Lineages with Gen-la Kelsang Khyenrab
The International Kadampa Summer Festival 2021, July 30 – August 14, is open to everyone. Two weeks of inspiring empowerments and teachings from the two most senior Teachers in NKT, with a short retreat in each week.
The 2021 International Spring Festival will take place May 28 – Jun 2 with Gen-la Kelsang Khyenrab, retired General Spiritual Director of NKT. Gen-la will grant the blessing empowerment of Buddha Shakyamuni and teachings on the sublime prayer, Request to the Lord of all Lineages.
The Fall Festival is now over. What an extraordinary week! Here is one last video and a chance to look back over the week and to share with others some of the highlights of this amazing event.