Gen-la Jampa

The best solution to our daily problems

agosto 7, 2024
Gen-la Jampa
Gen-la Jampa
The best solution to our daily problems

The best solution to our daily problems is to learn to cherish others. There is no valid reason for thinking we are more important than others, in this podcast Gen-la looks at why we have resistance to letting go of this view.

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What is your position?

agosto 6, 2024
Gen-la Jampa
Gen-la Jampa
What is your position?

Whether an object is virtuous or non-virtuous depends on our position. This means that whether someone makes us happy or not depends on the position we take with respect to that person.

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Remembering Emptiness

agosto 5, 2024
Gen-la Jampa
Gen-la Jampa
Remembering Emptiness

Gen-la Jampa gives advice to help us remember emptiness during the day, this is very important if we want to improve our Tantric practice out of meditation.

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The wisdom to transform ourself

agosto 4, 2024
Gen-la Jampa
Gen-la Jampa
The wisdom to transform ourself

Through understanding that things exist through being imputed by mind we can understand how it is possible to transform ourself from the state of an ordinary being to that of a pure enlightened being.

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The path to fearlessness

mayo 28, 2024
Gen-la Jampa
Gen-la Jampa
The path to fearlessness

Through receiving the wisdom blessings of the Dharma Protector we can transform appearances of adversity into realizations of renunciation, compassion and wisdom.

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Contemplating the symbolism of the mandala of Dorje Shugden

mayo 27, 2024
Gen-la Jampa
Gen-la Jampa
Contemplating the symbolism of the mandala of Dorje Shugden

In the prayers ‘Melodious Drum’, the mandala of Dorje Shugden is described in detail. In this podcast we contemplate some of those details and their meaning.

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Our normal method to solve human problems does not work

mayo 25, 2024
Gen-la Jampa
Gen-la Jampa
Our normal method to solve human problems does not work

Gen-la explains that our normal way of solving problems does not work because our human problems are inner problems not outer problems. Therefore only Dharma is the actual method to solve human problems.

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Receiving blessings of our Spiritual Guide

septiembre 22, 2023
Gen-la Jampa
Gen-la Jampa
Receiving blessings of our Spiritual Guide

Blessings transform our mind from negative to positive. How to receive the most profound blessings from our Spiritual Guide.

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A special offering of the mandala

septiembre 15, 2023
Gen-la Jampa
Gen-la Jampa
A special offering of the mandala

Our intention for making the mandala offering is compassion for all living beings.

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The importance of Dedication practice

septiembre 13, 2023
Gen-la Jampa
Gen-la Jampa
The importance of Dedication practice

The practices of Requesting the turning of the wheel of Dharma and Dedication. Recognizing our good fortune with a good heart.

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