Summer Festival 2015: Day 4

Kadam Bridget sets the tone for the day with a heart enriching meditation on relying on the Spiritual Guide. Gen-la Kunsang is full of encouragement on this final day of teaching. Describing a new Tharpa Publications card depicting the principal Kadam Lamrim Lineage Gurus, such as Atisha and Je Tsongkhapa, she recommends we contemplate it … Read more

Summer Festival 2015: Day 3

As Gen-la Kunsang reminds us today, death can come at anytime …and in the Lake District so can the rain! Festival goers get out their raincoats, umbrellas and rubber boats, and scarves and hats come out to ward off the cold. But the smiles on everyone’s face are as warm as ever, and the Festival … Read more

Summer Festival 2015: Day 2

The perfect start to the day: a simple meditation on the breath, guided by Kadam Bridget, that allows us all to settle deeply into a peaceful experience at our heart. After all the travelling and sorting out accommodations etc it is just the ticket. It is a beautiful clear, sunny day here in the Lake … Read more

Summer Festival 2015: Day 1 – Introduction

Arriving for the Festival is always an amazing experience. If it’s your first visit, you are stunned by the grandeur and sheer size of Conishead Priory, home of Manjushri Kadampa Meditation Centre, and the beauty of the temple and the grounds. If you are festival veteran, it’s a fiesta of greetings, as you reconnect with … Read more

Ordination Day – Summer Festival 2015

The Temple was filled with a sea of yellow as ordained Sangha from all over the world came to attend the 2015 ordination ceremony. Gen-la Kelsang Kunsang granted ordination to 21 Kadampas from Australia, Argentina, Brazil, Canada, Chile, Mexico, New Zealand, Spain, UK, and US. The smiles were irrepressible from the group who delighted in … Read more

Spring Festival 2015 – Intro to Kadampa World (Video and photos)

In his Introduction to the International Spring Festival 2015, Gen-la Khyenrab declared “the Festival is the best way to find out what’s happening in the Kadampa world.” How true. Journeying to the Festival on the train from Manchester to Ulverston, I found myself in conversation with Kadampa practitioners and teachers from the USA, Spain, Italy, … Read more

Preparing for Spring Festival

Spring Festival 2015 is only 10 days away.

Gen-la Kelsang Khyenrab be granting the blessing Empowerment of Medicine Buddha and giving Teachings at this year’s Spring Festival. Please enjoy this video Gen-la Kelsang Khyenrab giving an Introduction to last years’ Summer Festival.

Dorje Shugden Statue

1000 Dorje Shugden statues arrive at Manjushri KMC

1000 Dorje Shugden statues arrived at Manjushri KMC this morning, in time for the Spring Festival. A willing group of volunteers eagerly awaited its arrival, unloading the container in record time! Gen-la Dekyong was there to help, and opened the first box, sharing her delight at the arrival of the Wisdom Protector. Thank you Venerable … Read more

Summer Festival Week 2 – Additional Accommodation

Additional offsite accommodation has been reserved at the YMCA National Centre, Lakeside for the nights of Thursday 30 July – Saturday 8 August (9 nights) – must be booked for whole period. Approximately 25 minute drive from MKMC, accommodation is mainly in twin rooms with a few singles (ensuite and shared options are available). Shuttle … Read more

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