Auspicious beginnings to the year
Jan 18, 2025
Last weekend on the West coast of Europe, in the charming city of Sintra, the Portugal National Festival organised by Kadampa Meditation Center Deuachen was held at the forth Kadampa Temple for World Peace.
Gen-la Kelsang Thubten granted the empowerment of Buddha Prajnaparamita during the festival and provided commentary to the Yoga of Great Mother practice and meditations on emptiness from Venerable Geshe Kelsang Gyatso Rinpoche’s book The New Heart of Wisdom. The importance of engaging in the meditation on emptiness was emphasized throughout the festival.
Recently Gen Kelsang Rabten visited KMC Brisbane to give a public talk on the mental peace, inner strength and deep joy we can unlock through the power of meditation.
“Whenever I turn to the Liberating Prayer it is like a wisdom realignment”. The Liberating Prayer, composed by Geshe Kelsang Gyatso Rinpoche, is recited at the beginning of teachings, meditations, and prayers in Kadampa Buddhist Centers throughout the world. To this day this prayer has inspired thousands of meditators globally.
April 20th 2023 – over 125 people gather on an unusually cold and windy night at the Manchester Crowne Plaza Hotel. They have come, many for the first time, to learn how mental peace is the key to their own inner health.
Recently people of Norway and Sweden enjoyed clear and profound guidance of visiting teacher Gen Kelsang Lekma. Through her practical approach and skillful presenting of Venerable Geshe Kelsang Gyatso Rinpoche’s teachings from ‘The New Eight Steps to Happiness’ hearts of almost 30 persons were deeply touched and transformed.
The Mid-Atlantic Dharma Celebration 2023 was held at KMC Maryland. Kadam Morten, National Spiritual Director for Eastern USA granted the blessing empowerment of Buddha Amitayus and gave inspiring teachings on this practice.
This year’s Austrian Dharma celebration held April 14 – 16th 2023 with Gen-la Kelsang Kunsang, National Spiritual Director for Italy, Austria and Switzerland, was an unforgettable weekend with participants from all over Austria, Slovenia and Switzerland.
Nyungnay retreats to purify negative karma, teachings, empowerments and courses, were just some of the ways practitioners marked the anniversary of Buddha Shakyamuni demonstrating the attainment of enlightenment.
Preparations underway at the mother center to make it ready to receive hundreds of people for the 2023 International Spring Festival in a few weeks time.
This weekend, Kadampas around the world celebrated Buddha’s Enlightenment Day with joyful gatherings and devoted practice. Nyungnay retreats to purify negative karma, teachings, empowerments and courses, vegetarian feasts, and activities for young people were just some of the ways practitioners marked the anniversary of Buddha Shakyamuni demonstrating the attainment of enlightenment.