1 月 11, 2025
这个周末葡萄牙的人们跟随格桑坤生法师一起欢度了一个美好的周末,他们有的亲临辛特拉的噶当巴世界和平寺庙闻法,有的通过远程连线听课,坤生法师传授了有关”解脱祈请文“的教学,住持Gen Kelsang Rigden法师带领大家展开禅修。
"It is a delight when we are made to feel the magic of Dharma!"
Manuel Alface
"We usually think that Dharma is guaranteed, and that we will always have it available. But things are not quite like that. I have been a Kadampa Buddhist for 20 years, and this is the first time that I have received a commentary from this precious Liberating Prayer. And how fortunate I felt to receive this teaching from Gen-la Kunsang!"
Kadam Antonio
"What great good fortune and great joy to receive these precious teachings and the blessings of this beautiful and so powerful prayer! From the depths of my heart: thank you Gen-la Kunsang"
It was a real delight to assist this special course. For an event of international character to take place, many people need to be involved. In this very blessed special course all the technical conditions came together perfectly and the whole team was very harmonious.
Then the magic of Dharma flowed from the hearts of our dear Teachers and delighted ours. A special wonder was to feel the immense purity behind the scenes and the undisturbed mind of faith of Gen-la Kunsang that is contagious to us all.
May the Buddhas' teachings soon also be transmitted eye to eye and the smiles of all brighten our precious Temple.
Ana Filipa
"Listening to Gen-la Kunsang, many of the things I thought I knew had a special meaning and touched my heart more deeply"
Gen Kelsang Rigden