Series 1

The Three Poisons

11 11 月, 2020
Gen-la Dekyong
Gen-la Dekyong
The Three Poisons

The causes of all our suffering

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How to Visualise the Field of Merit

10 11 月, 2020
Gen-la Kunsang
Gen-la Kunsang
How to Visualise the Field of Merit

Understanding what the visualisation actually means

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There’s My Problem!

9 11 月, 2020
Gen-la Dekyong
Gen-la Dekyong
There's My Problem!

Understanding the difference between outer and inner problems

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Going For Refuge & Generating Bodhichitta

6 11 月, 2020
Gen-la Kunsang
Gen-la Kunsang
Going For Refuge & Generating Bodhichitta

How to engage in these practices purely

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What is Ignorance?

5 11 月, 2020
Gen-la Kunsang
Gen-la Kunsang
What is Ignorance?

Buddha’s explanation of how ignorance blights our life

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Who is The Great Mother Prajnaparamita?

3 11 月, 2020
Gen-la Kunsang
Gen-la Kunsang
Who is The Great Mother Prajnaparamita?

Introducing Buddha’s perfection of wisdom

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Entering The Spiritual Path

1 11 月, 2020
Gen-la Kunsang
Gen-la Kunsang
Entering The Spiritual Path

Preparing for future lives

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Finding Buddhism

31 10 月, 2020
Gen-la Kunsang
Gen-la Kunsang
Finding Buddhism

The preciousness of our Dharma centers

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Dispensing Dharma

30 10 月, 2020
Gen-la Dekyong
Gen-la Dekyong
Dispensing Dharma

The Real Method for Curing our Inner Disease

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Dedicating Our Virtues

29 10 月, 2020
Gen-la Dekyong
Gen-la Dekyong
Dedicating Our Virtues

Learning how to Direct Our Merit Wisely

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