The Programme

KMC London is the home of the Special Teacher Training Programme in Kadampa Buddhism (STTP), which was inaugurated by Venerable Geshe Kelsang Gyatso Rinpoche in April 2014. This programme is open to everyone.

Even those who do not wish to train to become Teachers, or attend all the classes with commitments, can simply join the classes openly as in the General Programme.

Each class is self-contained, giving practical advice on how to solve daily problems and how to maintain a peaceful and happy mind all the time.

Those who wish to train to become Teachers of Kadampa Buddhism can join with the commitments of Teacher Training Programme.

Venerable Geshe Kelsang Gyatso

The Teacher

Venerable Geshe-la has requested that Kadam Neil Elliott be the Resident Teacher of KMC London and teach STTP.

Kadam Neil has been a disciple of Venerable Geshe-la for over 35 years and was the principal editor for many of his books.

Having taught internationally for many years, Kadam Neil brings a wealth of practical and meditative experience to his teachings.

He is renowned for his ability to present the many deep meanings contained within Venerable Geshe-la’s books and to show how to integrate these meanings into daily life.

Kadam Neil Elliott

The Details

The Special Teacher Training Programme can be completed in 2 ways:

  1. By attending the classes at the centre.
  2. By correspondence.


The purpose of the study programme is to gain a practical understanding of the meaning of each of the six books. Classes include Prayers for Meditation followed by an explanatory teaching. Each class covers an assigned number of pages of the book with the emphasis on understanding the deep meanings and learning how to apply them practically to our daily life.


The purpose of the meditation programme is to deepen our understanding and experience of the meanings presented in the books. By mixing our mind with the teachings in meditation we can carry them into our daily life and so transform our entire life into the spiritual path.

Classes include Prayers for Meditation followed by guided reflection, explanation, quiet contemplation, and placement meditation.

There are two study classes and one meditation classes on a Saturday and Sunday during the study periods.

Attending Classes

Classes will be at the following times:

Saturdays and Sundays
10am - 11.30am : Study class with preliminary Heart Jewel prayers
12.30pm - 1.45pm : Study class
2.15pm - 3.30pm : Meditation class with concluding Heart Jewel prayers

If you choose to enrol in the correspondence programme, with or without commitments, you can listen to the classes by audio download and attend the classes at the centre when you wish for no extra charge.


Please note: With the intention to make the classes more meditative and give the students more time to digest the material, for this term Kadam Neil will integrate meditation into each study class. Thus there will be two longer sessions each day with a teaching and meditation combined and no third session.

Session 1, 10 - 12 noon
Session 2, 1 - 3pm

Session 1, 10 - 12 noon
Session 2, 1 - 3pm

Correspondence Programme

The correspondence programme is for those who are unable to attend classes, it is open to everyone to apply but the commitment is to complete the program in approximately three years.

Students can listen to the teachings and meditation recordings at any time during the week. The teachings will be audio files, which you can download from the internet.

The Commitments

Those who choose to join with the commitments of special teacher training programme undertake to keep the following commitments:

  • To complete the entire programme, which will take approximately three years.
  • To complete every study and meditation class either at the centre or by correspondence, as agreed with the programme coordinator.
  • To memorize the condensed meaning of each text.
  • To prepare for and to take examinations.

The programme without commitments

Those who wish to join without commitments will still need to commit to study all the texts in 3 years but do not commit to take the exam or to the memorisation.

We should study correctly and purely; our understanding should be qualified. If our understanding is qualified then our teachings will be very qualified and because we will be giving teachings from our heart students will receive powerful benefits.

Geshe Kelsang Gyatso

Subjects Covered

  • How to Understand the Mind

    The Nature and Power of the Mind

  • Modern Buddhism

    The Path of Compassion and Wisdom

  • The New Heart of Wisdom

    An Explanation of the Heart Sutra

  • Tantric Grounds and Paths

    How to Enter, Progress on, and Complete the Vajrayana Path

  • Shantideva's

    Guide to the Bodhisattva's
    Way of Life

    and its commentary

    Meaningful to Behold

  • Ocean of Nectar

    The True Nature of All things

I must liberate others permanently from their suffering by giving them the supreme medicine of Dharma, Buddha’s teachings. Thinking in this way we should encourage ourself to become a supreme Spiritual Guide like Buddha Vajradhara.

Geshe Kelsang Gyatso


The correspondence programme costs £70 for each section of a book. A section means up until the examination on that part of the book, for example How to Understand the Mind has two sections.


Please email [email protected].

How to apply

To join the programme either at the centre or by correspondence please complete this form.


The New Kadampa Tradition

The New Kadampa Tradition – International Kadampa Buddhist Union is an international association of Mahayana Buddhist study and meditation centres that follow the Kadampa Buddhist tradition founded by Venerable Geshe Kelsang Gyatso.
